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Facts about Toothpicks and How to Properly Clean Teeth

Toothpicks are very popular as a tool to clean the area around the teeth and between the teeth from the leftovers that can harden and become tartar. However, are toothpicks safe to use? The following explanation. Plaque is formed from food scraps that have already hardened, and will become tartar that is difficult to clean just by brushing teeth. Plaque can also cause gum tissue to become swollen and bleed. Cleaning between your teeth using assistive devices, such as toothpicks, will help remove food debris and plaque that may form. Toothpicks are usually made of wood or plastic, and have one or two sharp edges to be inserted between the teeth. Toothpicks can help clean the surface of teeth that are difficult to reach and reduce the possibility of gum disease and tooth decay.

Toothpicks and the accompanying risks

But behind its benefits, the use of toothpicks that are too often have a bad impact on the health of your teeth and gums. Here are some facts about the use of toothpicks.
  • Gum damage

  • Overuse of toothpicks can increase the risk of gum damage. Toothpicks must be used very carefully and with gentle movements. This is to prevent the gums from being torn apart due to rough movements.
  • Stretches the space between the teeth

  • Use a toothpick in the right way, that is, at the right angle according to the normal contour. The toothpick must be moved from the inside out slowly with an angle of 45 degrees. Often toothpicks are used horizontally, so that it can stretch space between the teeth, and food will be more easily tucked in the area.
  • Shifting gear position

  • The habit of using a toothpick or the habit of biting pens, pencils and glasses risk putting a lot of pressure on the teeth. This can cause teeth to shift, can even cause teeth

How to Clean Teeth Properly

Many dental health experts recommend using dental floss rather than a toothpick. Dental floss are usually made of twisted silk fibers and some are made of nylon or plastic. Dental floss is considered a better solution than toothpicks because it has been classified as a class I aid kit, which is considered to be a lower risk than other dental and mouth cleaning aids. Although research shows dental floss and toothpicks both have almost the same effectiveness in cleaning teeth, but in terms of safety, dental floss is a better choice. If not used properly, toothpicks can be swallowed and cause serious health problems. The use of dental floss itself varies depending on its shape, namely dental floss with or without a special handle. Dental health experts recommend flossing or cleaning between teeth using floss every day, at least twice a day. How to use it is to rub the thread between the teeth that are difficult to reach slowly, so as not to hurt the gums and teeth. Dental floss is only recommended for single use, because in addition to being less effective, repeated use can cause infection. So, remove the dental floss after using it. In addition to using toothpicks or dental floss, a routine check-up to the dentist every six months is the right step to maintain dental hygiene and care for it properly.


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